Barrie age 80 and concerned at volume and effects of expected PCa radiation and hormone treatment. I belatedly had concern at the medicated treatment of my BPH. Also after the fact I had issues about the spreading prospect from the biopsy of my two MRI detected cancers to extract cores for further evaluation. Eight years post Radical Prostatectomy PSA again becomes an issue and there is a choice required about this treatment too. I had spent much of my post 1988 life going to, waiting for, recovering from and trying to evaluate urology. I sometimes wonder if I would be worse off if it had all been avoided. Radical Prostatectomy including lymph glands 5 November 2015 eventually sees ongoing 2 pads a day incontinence. The surgery was 100% but the treatment from the expensive Private Hospital was problematically very sub standard. The end of 2015 and a lot of 2016 were horrific. The worse were the severe untreatable fungal infection and a complete blockage. These were both poorly and incompetently treated by emergency department staff. Triage even recorded my earlier treatment as a TURP as she had seen this terminology used before and was easier to write than Open Radical Prostatectomy. Two additional theatre visits followed these with stents, months of self catheterising and impossible endeavours to improve urination. The memory of us trying to get and keep Uridoms on post RP is comical now but should not be wished on anyone. Pre-op I was told I may have a few months of incontinence now it's that radiation may make that all worse. PSAs 0.01 to June 2020 then 0.02 from January 2021 and 0.03, 0.06, 0.13, 0.16 and 0.32 to August 2023. November 2nd - Ga68 PSMA PET/CT Scan revealed secondary PCa in an area close to the spine likely in a LYMPH NODE. The original surgeon was pleased it was not in the prostate area indicating he had removed sufficient localised reinfection points. This also mostly removed my suspicion that the 2 positive spot biopsy actions had caused a spread through the blood. He felt the 8 years since the removal and current PSAs indicates the damage to date, this time, may not have significantly affected my lifespan. He will arrange for a radiologist to contact me in January and the 3 of us determine action going forward. The surgeon feels zapping the node alone may be the way forward coupled with hormone treatment. He said the radiologist may want to also radiate the prostate area which would likely further interfere with the bladder/urination function. Appointment with surgeon 8:45AM 24 June 2024 with order for PSA 10 June 2024. My highest ever PSA was 3.8. The cancer was thought to be maintained within the prostate and surrounding nodes were clear. They talk about the margins. What's the prospect of it getting up there 8 years on? Does anyone have any like experience to assist with my input into the zapping decisions going forward? Health professionals seem to look on the bright side and "side effects'' are often downplayed. I somehow gleaned from my latest urology visit that radiation was a one off hit. My first look at a case on this site quoted 20 PCa radiation hits followed by severe side effects. Then I recall my father's death at age 67 from the effects of cancer radiations. I expect though my last 8 years have seemed pretty horrific to me and others I talk to in similar situations have fared better I have likely still been luckier than a lot. Even so this has brought all that back and I am now so depressed and wary of what may come. I lost a lot more than a prostate in 2015 and it was considered dangerous to bring my testosterone level to normal. I don't know if I really have options and fear I will walk into this blindly again. Barrie
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