Hi Valerne,
Very sorry to hear of your partners problems re ileostomy. I have had my ileostomy for 18 mths now and (4 major surgery's later).
I can tell you that I was in hospital for 37 days.
As has been expressed before, everyone's healing process is different.
My advice is to ask and or demand to know exactly what is happening. Speak to the Specialist directly so you get the real picture and get the answers.
I can tell you regarding the coffee, when I have coffee my output is very watery. I still have increased urination, and will be seeing a Urologist soon for this. With the flatulence I am seeing a Dietitian who is helping me with the foods that cause this.
I don't know if any of this is of help to you. But hang in there and don't let it get you or your partner down. It will sort itself out eventually.
I felt like I would never get out of hospital either, but it will happen when all is well, keep positive.
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