Hi Mick
I'm truly sorry your mum had such a difficult time in hospital.
Unfortunately, I've had a lot of lengthy hospital stays over the past 3.9 years due to this horrendous disease and its aftermath. Over this time I can definitely relate to insensivite and inexperienced people in the health services. I've also had a lot of wonderful helpful people who have treated me as a 'whole person' not only a 'disease'. They've been the ones who have helped me try and improve my quality of life issues. It's only natural to dwell on the ifs, buts and maybes, we wouldn't be human if we didn't. Sometimes we can get so bitter and angry about what happened to ourselves or someone we love, it emotionally drains us and we get caught up spending all our time going round and round in circles, instead of moving forward and putting our energy into other things. I know it's easier said than done. I've done exactly that myself for many months and still occasionaly now. I hate to think how much time and how many headaches..... or migraines I've had from going over and over things a doctor should have done, things a doctor shouldn't of done etc early in my treatments. It blows my mind, we can't change things. We only need to have met one incompetent person during our hospital experience and that experience can scar us very deeply for such a long time. They destroy our faith in the medical doctors and system, especially when the result has been a tragic one, like your mums.
I'm not sure what State you live in but if you change your mind and decide you want to express your concerns regarding your mums experience you can contact the Health SErvices Commission. They're there to listen and look into any problems within the health service, public and private.
Take care
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