My dad has recently been diagnosed with throat cancer (lymphoma) after doctors for months told him that he had a 'virus'. After a week in hospital, a tracheotomy and numerous tests he was sent home to await news about chemo treatment. A week on It seems the waiting continues... The waiting is the hardest, my dad after handling the initial diagnosis well (thankful that they finally found out something was wrong with him) seems to be visibly weakening / getting more depressed whilst he seems to be lost in the system...
Meanwhile my mum can't sleep worrying about him possibly stopping breathing, getting closer and closer to a breakdown each day. So here I am at 2.30am, at my parents' house, listening for my dad's breaths, so that my mum has enough peace of mind to get a few hours sleep.
I am certain he will be ok, something just tells me but I know we have a long road ahead. Searching for answers for support, I have found this site and am thankful. Thank you for listening, thank you for sharing your stories.
I am wondering how long after diagnosis you or your loved one had to wait before treatment began? Any tips on how not to be lost in the "system"?
Thank you again
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