Thank you so much for your comment. I found it really helpful, as you understand as a carer and also as a health professional. The public hospital system, even though there are lots of really caring individuals, is still a system and it wants to roll over people like me. I did have the support, at that planning meeting, of a lovely lady - the pastoral care worker with the palliative care team. She wasn't meant to be at the meeting but I invited her. I thought I had the right. I was determined to stick up for myself and Ray and, even though they tried to steamroll me, I didn't allow it.
The oncologist didn't attend, but sent her registrar, who tried to blind me with science - not easy, as I have Degrees in Science myself. I actually pulled him up and asked him to put it in layman's terms, which threw him a bit. After that it was easy, as he was the first one to speak. In the end, I got everything I wanted.
Hollow victory, though. Ray's got a temp of 38.9, which means neutropenia, and they're not giving him IV antibiotics, so he's quite ill. On a morphine pump, too. Just a matter of time now. I'm praying that it's quick and easy for Ray's sake. He's suffered enough without the indignity he's going through at the moment. He recognised me today and whispered "I love you", which means a lot.
Lynne xxx
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