January 2013
There is a website online that rates doctors. However, for me I base my opinion on my oncologist as to the treatment I am receiving and how I get along with him, so any opinion you are going to get on an oncologist is going to be incredibly subjective. If you are unhappy with the onco person you are seeing then I would personally I would seek a second opinion or be asked to swapped to someone that I was able to communicate with more easily.
I have survived one cancer that I wasn't supposed to, but, the cancer was a very unpredictable cancer.
As for alternative treatments, they can be clinically helpful but not always helpful in eradicating cancer.
I wish you all the best in getting through the coming months and hope that something can be done to help your friend.
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January 2013
Dear Mendesma
It is understandable that you want the best for your friend. However, there is no 'best' oncology specialist in Australia. There are many really good oncology specialists spread out around Australia and many of these will be right for your friend. How to access them? Well like many things in life you have to seek a balance. Balancing travel and your friends ability to travel, particularly is his disease progresses is one of those. Also, all the guidelines for cancer treatment now recommend that your friend be considered by a multidisciplinary team, not just one specialist. So you need to ask any specialist that he is part of a multidisciplinary team. You also need to let your friend make the decisions. These will depend on his values - for example quantity of life versus quality of life, heroic treatment versus treatment to ensure that he can remain active and part of his community for as long as possible.
I would recommend that you give the Cancer Helpline 13 11 20 a call and talk things over with them - my experience is that they are a hug help.
An incorrectly identified mark is a hazard, not an aid, to navigation. Alton B. Moody
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January 2013
My name is Gabi and my husband and I had just known, a few hours ago, that one of our friends has been diagnosed with cancer (stomach, liver and lungs).
The doctor told him he had 6 months to 18 months of life left.
We want to help him by researching on who are the best doctors and treatment in can get in Australia in order to reverse the odds.
Can someone give us advice and recommend us a doctor for him, please?
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