January 2021
Hi @Andrea55 and welcome!
How did the surgery go? I hope you are feeling as well as you can be at this point post-surgery 😘
You may also find this discussion thread incredibly useful: Your experience with side effects from head & neck cancer treatment (radiation / mucositis)
Cancer Council Online Community Manager
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January 2021
1 Kudo
Cancer Council knows it's important for Australians to have access to up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 and what it means for people affected by cancer.
Please find below, translations of our Cancer and COVID-19 resources into the following languages:
'Cancer and COVID-19' English factsheet - Information and support regarding cancer and COVID-19
'Cancer and Coronavirus' Arabic factsheet - مرض السرطان وفيروس كورونا‘ صحيفة حقائق'
'Cancer and Coronavirus' Chinese Simplified combined factsheet - ‘癌症与冠状病毒’ 情况说明书
'Cancer and Coronavirus' Chinese Traditional combined factsheet - ‘癌症與冠狀病毒’ 情況說明書
'Cancer and Coronavirus' Farsi combined factsheet - ’سرطان و ويروس کرونا‘ برگۀ اطلاع رسانی
'Cancer and Coronavirus' Greek combined factsheet - ‘Καρκίνος και Κορωνοϊός’ φύλλο πληροφοριών
'Cancer and Coronavirus' Hindi combined factsheet - ‘कैंसर और कोरोनावायरस’ तथ्य पत्र
'Cancer and Coronavirus' Italian combined factsheet - ‘Cancro e Coronavirus’ Foglio informativo
'Cancer and Coronavirus' Korean combined factsheet - ‘암과 코로나바이러스’ 팩트 시트
'Cancer and Coronavirus' Punjabi combined factsheet - ਕੈਂਸਰ ਅਤੇ ਕਰੋਨਾਵਾਇਰਸ’ ਤੱਥਸ਼ੀਟ
'Cancer and Coronavirus' Spanish combined factsheet - ‘Cáncer y coronavirus’ Hoja informativa
'Cancer and Coronavirus' Tagalog combined factsheet - ‘Kanser at Coronavirus’ Papel-kaalaman
'Cancer and Coronavirus' Vietnamese combined factsheet - ‘Ung thư và Vi-rút corona’ Tờ thông tin
If you would like to speak with someone in your own language about cancer and COVID-19, please call 13 14 50 and ask for Cancer Council or the Coronavirus Health Information Line.
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January 2021
1 Kudo
The podcast series, Cancer and COVID-19 has been produced by Cancer Council to explore what COVID-19 means for people affected by cancer.
Who is this series for?
This series is for anyone that has been affected by cancer and may have questions about what the COVID-19 pandemic means for them. The episodes answer some of the questions people may be asking, as well as where you can seek further information and support.
Episode 1: Coping with Isolation and Cancer during COVID-19
In this episode, Yvonne King from Cancer Council's 13 11 20 Information and Support team, discusses isolation for people affected by cancer in the middle of a pandemic.
Episode 2: Telehealth for Cancer
In this episode, Karen Robinson from Cancer Council's 13 11 20 Information and Support team, discusses what telehealth is and how it relates to cancer care, as well as how appointments for telehealth can work for you.
Episode 3: Cancer Treatment during COVID-19
In this episode, Brenda Clasquin from Cancer Council's 13 11 20 Information and Support team, discusses changes to cancer treatment with the COVID-19 pandemic and how you can stay safe.
This series is from the same team that have produced our other podcast series. You may like to listen to The Thing About Cancer and The Thing About Advanced Cancer.
Other resources:
Cancer and COVID-19 information
Telehealth and COVID-19
13 11 20 - Information and Support
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January 2021
Hi @MothertoCRM and welcome to our community!
Have you had any word about when your son's surgery date is as yet?
You are definitely entitled to get in contact with your child's doctor, the surgeon or even the registrar at the hospital and discuss your concerns with them. I'd certainly recommend doing so if you are concerned in any way, shape or form at any point.
Sending hugs, please update us.
Cancer Council Online Community Manager
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January 2021
Hello @BusyMum and welcome to the community!
Have you heard from your doctor yet with any more details and/or a plan of attack?
You are not alone here ❤️
Have you also spoken with our team on 13 11 20? They will be able to chat to you about Cancer Connect which enables you to Talk to someone who has had cancer as well as perhaps, think about things like counselling or other support.
You may also like to check out ourPodcasts, which include one about talking to kids about cancer and another about family dynamics.
Sending hugs!!
Cancer Council Online Community Manager
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December 2020
Hi Alij, I am about tto start my journey which sounds like it may follow very closely to your past experience regarding hospitalisation and follow up RT treatment. I'd love to have an email chat with your re some of your comments regarding post op diet as well as massage and physio. I can be contacted at :- keithintassie@gmail.com Regards Keith Jones
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