Hi Tatiana. In some ways I am in a very similar boat to yourself. My dad was just diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer and given 3-6 months - he is my best mate too. I am working full time and also studying part time at Uni. My only advice in that area is to talk to your teacher/principal/lecturer etc about what is going on. Mine have been very understanding and have allowed me to take time off/hand assessments in late/swap days that he has been in hospital etc. I hope that yours will be as well. I am all very new to this, so I don't really know what else to say to you.. All I can say is that my thoughts are with you on this sh*tty journey, and I hope that you can make some great memories with him over the next few months/years. I hope that you also have people that you can speak with, as you need to vent and talk as well.
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