June 2020
We werent able to get our father the care he deserved because of financial reasons and the COVID situation. He passed away this week.
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June 2020
1 Kudo
Hi Darcy. He passed away at home this week. He couldn't breathe properly and sadly because of the COVID situation we couldnt get him to a hospital quick enough for oxygen. Even though we knew it was a terminal illness I dont think anyone can prepare themselves for when it happens.
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June 2020
My father was also diagnosed in October with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer. We tried to stay hopeful but we knew it would be very hard. The first line of chemo drugs didnt work and it spread to his liver. The fluid build-up had just started and he was having difficulty with breathing. He passed away this week, at home. Take care of yourself and your father for whatever time he has left.
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- r was also diagnosed
May 2020
1 Kudo
He was diagnosed last year, and he was started on a Gemzar-Abraxane regimen. We remained positive for the three cycles which were recently completed. However, on followup we've found out that the regimen didnt have an effect and its spread to the liver. The doctor is recommending switching to an alternative regimen. I've read about this enough to understand his prognosis is very poor, and its very hard to remain positive each day. His condition is deteriorating, he barely eats now and the pain is constant.
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