February 2022
1 Kudo
I struggle with stage 4 anal cancer and experience a great deal of pain from a rectal tumor. Pain also comes from radiation burns on my scrotum. Unfortunately, my body won’t tolerate common oral remedies such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, or aspirin. I’ve also tried three opioids (morphine, oxycodone, and methadone) and the prescription drugs tramadol and dilaudid without success. But what helps a great deal is applying a lidocaine topical cream every few hours. It deadens the pain enough to sit comfortably and to sleep. The one I use is LIDOCANE PLUS (note the spelling) available for $14.50 a tube on Amazon-USA; see this link: https://www.amazon.com/Lidocane-Plus-Lidocaine-Relieving-Cream/dp/B00APRIZXM. I’ve purchased about 25 tubes. If anyone has advice to share about managing pain with medication, I’d love to hear from you.
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- Tags:
- anal cancer
August 2021
Xeloda is incredibly easy compared to most chemo. It causes cracks on my feet but that's about the only side effect. I'll take it the rest of my life - no problem. Thanks for your concern.
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August 2021
1 Kudo
Hello, I'm hoping my experience with Xeloda side effects might help others who are taking this drug. I take it one week on, one week off. While I'm taking it, I feel more exhausted, am constipated, sometimes cry uncontrollably, and my heartbeat is harder. I've found a medication that helps with all these effects, the beta blocker propranolol. I take it every day but seem to need a higher dose the weeks I'm taking Xeloda.
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- Tags:
- Xeloda
November 2020
1 Kudo
Hello, everyone, Of course, Medicare Part D covers chemo costs. I just learned that Part B covers the costs for many ORAL chemo drugs, such as Xeloda. "Oral drugs used for cancer treatment that contain the same active ingredient and are used for the same indications as Part B-covered chemotherapy drugs furnished incident to a physician’s service (such as injectable dosage forms that are not usually self-administered). These drugs include Capecitabine (Xeloda)." My pharmacist ran through my latest Xeloda Rx on my Medicare Part B card without a hitch. However, for oral chemo drugs, Medicare requires a 20% copay even though the person has met the Part B deductible. Still, it covers 80% of the cost. Yay!
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October 2020
1 Kudo
Hello, all. I've been taking Xeloda, 2,000 mg a day, for stage 4 anal cancer since July, one week on and one week off. In the past 10 days, my heels have become quite swollen and sore. This is known as hand-and-foot syndrome. Since the malignant lymph glands in my groin haven't gotten larger, my oncologist agrees that I pause treatment for now. I'm elated. Amazon recently published my self-help book Transcending Depression: Quest Without a Compass. To get a peek at it, visit this Amazon link where you can “look inside”: https://www.amazon.com/Transcending-Depression-Quest-Without-Compass/dp/0578694913/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1591833544&sr=1-1 Also, you could visit my website https://www.larry-godwin.com Best wishes, Larry Godwin
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August 2020
Dear Kate, Many thanks. I hope you're doing well also! If you happen to suffer from depression, I could suggest a book that might help. Best wishes, Larry
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August 2020
Hi, Tina4, You might ask your oncologist about applying triamcinolone to your rash. It's a mild steroid that helped me enormously with eczema rash. It's cheap, too.
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August 2020
2 Kudos
Hello, all, I have stage IV anal cancer (squamous cell) and started 2,000 mg Xeloda per day ten days ago. Fortunately, I have little nausea. My problems have been exhaustion and feeling very stressed-out. I've discovered a way to make both side effects more tolerable: eat big meals and eat when I feel hungry. Xeloda suppresses my appetite so I need to go against instinct and eat a lot. Yesterday I wasn't very hungry for breakfast and ate less than usual, then felt super exhausted and stressed-out all day and evening. Today I prodded myself to eat a larger breakfast and today my energy and stress levels are near-normal. Success story. And I do believe Xeloda is fighting the cancer. My anus is the primary cancer source and the secondary source is lymph glands in my groin. Since I started Xeloda, these glands have decreased in size by half. My oncologist is pleased with this result.
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