December 2020
1 Kudo
Hi @Lindsay34, First of all Lindsay34, I'm fine, thank you very much for your concern 🙂. No you can't get diabetes from cancer. Try not to feel so anxious about it all. I think you would benefit from speaking with a counsellor, to try and ease your fears a bit. The Cancer Council has a number you can call to speak with someone. This number 131120 is free & confidential, & can give you information & guidance on what you can do. You can also access a social worker through your palliative team, or a referral from your Oncologist/GP. (Just as a side note, alot of people think palliative care is only for old people who are about to die, but they're not. Palliative nurses are there to help control your pain levels throughout your treatment. They can also give you guidance on avenues to take such as dietary, social workers, physiotherapist, etc. So please keep that in mind). You could also speak with your religious leader, if you have one, or call Lifeline. So there are plenty of options for you to speak with someone. Don't forget you can always download here on this site, as there's always someone listening who would probably be able to help in some way. Don't forget that you can always seek a second opinion, from a different GP or a different Oncologist. You are entitled to see someone who you feel comfortable with & if you think the people you are seeing aren't giving you all the answers you need, then feel free to ask to see someone else, or get your GP to write a referral to a different Oncologist. Lastly, please don't worry so much. It only makes thinks worse if you stress about things. Tell your doctor your fears, and if he/she is any good, they will listen to you & try to put your mind at rest. Cheers Budgie
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