March 2022
Hi All! My Mum had a long battle with cancer. She was injected with experimental hormones to stop her growing between the ages of 11 & 14 (class action proceeding) which caused many health problems and was the underlying cause of obesity, fertility issues, and breast/uterine/skin/secondary bone cancer/vascular dementia. She was so so strong and fought these cancers for 20 years but succumbed 2 weeks ago. It was a horrible drawn out process and the last 48 hours were just horrendous. I'm the only functioning Adult in my immediate family so I threw myself into organising her cremation service and then memorial. Both were very beautiful. The memorial was held on Friday in the Botanic Gardens and was a perfect send off for her. Everyone said it was perfect and I'm so grateful that I was able to honour her life and her spirit. But now I'm home and there is still so much to do with legal/financial/next steps and I have collapsed with grief. I don't want to speak to anyone or talk to anyone. I don't want to get out of bed, or eat, or function. I'm irritable with my husband and my 9yo. I feel like this is a necessary part of the process but I guess I don't know. I just want to run away and pretend this isn't happening. I'm consumed with grief and I don't know whether to sit with it or seek help or just keep crying. Can anyone relate? Thanks.
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