On the 24/4 my Dad lost his battle. We had tried to grant his wish of passing at home. It become too hard, I don’t know how my Mother kept soldiering on as his primary carer.  He become too distressed and frightened at the changes he couldn’t put into words.  I felt torn the night he declared that he needed to go to hospital. One, a feeling of relief, two like we had failed him and that he would soon leave this world. It took several hours for the hospital to find his base line and get him comfortable.He did not rouse again in fear. It is the hardest thing I have ever had to witness in my life.  My siblings and I all held tight to him in his final hours. He struggles no more. I am crushed, my heart bleeds.

Regular Contributor

Hi Eldestdaughter, I’m so sorry you lost your dad. The trauma of going through his death like that is just so awfully sad. I went through a similar end of life with my mum nearly 2 years ago and am just moving on to just missing her without all the other horrible memories. I never thought I’d get past it but I did. Sounds like you have a close knit family. Just hold on to each other and walk through your grief together 🙏💕 Linda G 

Occasional Contributor

Thank you xx

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