I'm Jo, my husband has grade 4 GBM. His original tumor was found in July 2009. It was a grade 4 methylated tumour. His surgeon achived a 95% resection although its location in the ocipital lobe and its size left him with some disability around numbers and direction. His short term memory has also been effected.
In August 2012 a second tumor was found during his routine MRI scan. This time it was the frontal lobe and located just below the surface. A 100% resection was achieved with the aid of Gliolan, a dye used for detecting brain tissue. This tumor was also a grade 4 but unmethylated this time.
I'm here looking for people who are suffering from GBM or supporting someone with GBM.I live in Sydney and could really do with some support. I am afraid of what lay ahead for us. Some help understanding what other people are going may help to provide some normality, if thats at all possible. I also want to help support others in their journey too.
I look froward to hearing from you soon.... Jo