Today I got to do a few things myself and darn did it feel good. After my lobectomy I have not been able to have a proper shower due to surgery wound sites and staples. A shower for last few weeks was only a half body and all my wounds needed covering with plastic + tape as they could not get wet.
Today I got to have a real shower and wash my hair. I know that sounds very princess but I can't believe how much self care means to our mental health. And I got to do it independently.
Showers are still difficult tho seeing my 3 surgery wounds and then recalling the surgery, the pain and the fear it brought. My wise fiance thinks I should smile when I look at my wounds and say "thank u my friends u saved my life". What a wonderful way to look at it. I am so greatful I have him in my life and I love how he can get me to see and think bigger about my cancer experience.