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I need to vent.  I am experiencing extreme anxiety at the thought that I have to go back to work whilst desperately wanting to take care of my mother who has stage 4 cancer.  I am trying to be so strong I front of her and all I want is to spend the time with her and it worry about financial pressure to keep the family afloat.  My work has been extremely supportive and has allowed me to take time off through leave etc however the time has come to go back to work as I do not have any other choice but to keep an income coming in.  I don't want to show any weakness in front of Mum as she is fighting this insidious disease with true resilience and strength.   I worry if I said to her that I need to stay home that this will cause her further distress.  Does anyone have any ideas how best to approach this? I am at a complete loss at to what to do.



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Re: Anxiety

Hi Andrea, I'm sorry you're in such a difficult situation.  However, don't worry too much about 'staying strong' in front of your Mum.  It's ok to express worry and concern- it's a worrying situation, and to be calm and composed all the time is probably not possible, unless you don't understand what's going on.  You can still be a great support to your Mum while worried or upset (I used to joke that I was my husband's 'tearstained rock').  The worst thing you can do is to worry about being worried! Good luck with everything, and remember to trust yourself- you are obviously doing the best you can (and I can see that from only a couple of messages).   Sending love and hugs, Emily

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