Cancer Connect..So Helpful


Cancer Connect..So Helpful

I found the Cancer nurse, and a parent of a cancer survivor so helpful this week. After a painful session with a Psychiatrist about my depression and why after 5 years ( my daughter now has 5 year all clear from NHL) I still cant let it go, I rang the helpline in despair and they were so helpful. Would you believe that I am normal??? And my feelings about letting go are normal??? I don't think that people on the other side of the planet, i.e, non-cancer people, can ever get it, no matter how learned they are. Mignon
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Re: Cancer Connect..So Helpful

I imagine that I'd be the same if it was my child .I was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago in a couple of weeks and it comes into my mind every day .I'm not depressed or worried any more but it's always not far from my thoughts. Part of the reason is living with side effects of treatments. Partly it is still newish . At 3 years of age my son was diagnosed with a kidney condition and not until his mid-teens did I really forget about it most of the time. Since then there hasn't been an event with it so I rarely think about it. If your daughter remains clear you may stop thinking about so much as time moves on. It is good that you are getting help for your depression.
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Re: Cancer Connect..So Helpful

Hi Mignon, That's good news about the 5-year all-clear. I think that feeling like your feelings are "wrong" makes things harder. I'm glad you were able to get some help & feel like you're normal. I have also talked to the cancer helpline and cried a lot and it was definitely helpful. Best wishes
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