


Well dad is finally out of ICU & back in a ward, he has lost more weight but other than that he still has the fighting spirit. Tomorrow the wound specialist will be trying something new, due to the fistula in dads saliva gland the wound is not getting a chance to heal also because of this dad has to wear a trachy with the cuff up to stop the saliva going into his lungs...what they are going to do is somehow place a tube over the fistula & this will drain all the secretions into a pouch, hopefully giving the wound a better chance to heal & also if it works dad won't need the trachy..We are all praying it is successful 🙂
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Re: Dad

Hope all goes well for your dad.
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Re: Dad

Thanks Silly It all seems to be going well, dad is very sore but it is amazing how in just 48 hrs things have changed. They didn't do the tube with the pouch they actually put the tubes into the saliva glands & they then go into another tube that directs all the secretions down into dads stomach. Dad is hardly coughing now & there is no more secretions soaking dads shirts (we were constantly changing dads shirts due to them becoming soaked in a matter of hours) Today I took dad out in the wheelchair & we sat in the sun, it was lovely. Cheers Alison
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