Feeling lost

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Feeling lost

My husband was diagnosed with Plueral Mesothlioma almost 2 years ago. He chose to have no conventional treatments. I have put in well over 1000 hours of research and study on nutrition and alternative therapies. I have put him on a whole food diet - no refined or processed food, no dairy, salt, wheat or sugar. Also supplements to encourage healthy cell rejuvination. He is doing really well so far, which is amazing. He depends on me 100%. It is such a huge responsibility. I work full time from home doing remedial massage "and" look after my husband. I try really hard to keep a smile on my face, as I tell him we have to make the most of everyday and look for the positives in life. I have been fighting so hard to work on and get better from anxiety attacks and adrenal fatigue. No one supports me. I am very much taken for granted. I show people I am calm and strong. It is wearing me down. I cry a lot. My husband has caught me doing this and doesn't want to carry on. He yells at me and disregards me, because it's all about him. He has suffered from depression for many years now - he does take antidepressants. I can't talk to anyone, because no one understands. I found this forum and just needed to vent. I am so sad
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Re: Feeling lost

Vent away Andrea, this is just the place for it. It's hard being the carer in a two person household, because there's no one in the house to support you. Just know that this community is here to cheer you on whenever you need it. (That's one of the benefits of an internet forum- it's available 24 hr a day.) Sending you big gentle hugs of support, Emily
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Re: Feeling lost

16th January, 2015 I understand completely about having to do everything yourself. I had to manage and maintain a household, the dog dying along with all the responsibilities of living, whilst having breast cancer treatments. I don't have family or friends supporting me but was able to visit the cancer psychologist and discuss my issues with her. Go to the community health centre and ask about having a carer come in to assist you with the housework. Have some time out. It is vital for you to have some respite care. May I suggest you also go online to Inspired Hypnosis and listen to Mark Davis' Deep Relaxation meditation. I listen to him and he has calmed me down completely. I cope much better. If you're an aussie and having anxiety attacks, please search for CRUFAD clinic online. You need a prescription from your GP but can do the course online. I've done it and no longer suffer from the physical symptoms or mental anguish anymore. Ask him to be a kind person to you. Tell him to err is human, to forgive is Divine. He's not God and is just being a rude nasty person. Ungrateful. I won't tolerate any behaviour like that from anyone. I love myself unconditionally and accept myself just as I am. I respect myself. I am empowered, beautiful, intelligent, compassionate, thoughtful and what others think of me is really none of my business. Hope all goes well for you this year and you get some time out. It will completely rejuvenate you. Get support and help in your home. God's blessings, Shoonya _/\_ 🙂
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