Feeling overwhelmed

New Contributor

Feeling overwhelmed

Hi. My 83 year old mum has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and it's been a huge shock to our family. The oncologist doesn't seem to give much hope to mum just because of her age.


6 years ago, I lost my dad to terminal liver cancer and helped my mum nurse my dad. 


I'm the youngest of four but because my other siblings are married with kids and live quite a few suburbs away, I now find myself the primary carer for my mum. I know I've been through this before but I'm thinking it will be more difficult.


I work full time and have been lucky enough to get carers leave. I'm returning to work this week and not sure if I will be able to juggle it all. Hoping to find support here!


Thanks for reading.

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Re: Feeling overwhelmed


Sorry  to read about your Mums diagnosis of pancreatic cancer ,your Mums age and also the staging of the disease will play a huge part with her treatment options,as you helped care for your Dad you will have an idea of what that entails.You have to try and stay healthy yourself and if you need to ask other family members for assistance don’t hesitate.

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New Contributor

Re: Feeling overwhelmed

Thanks KJ

Sorry for the delay in response. It looks like Mum is going for the quality of life option rather than treatment.

Admittedly I'm struggling with that, even though I know full well it's her decision. In truth, I'd probably opt for the same thing if I was in her shoes.


Trying to put on a brave face for Mum, but very hard to keep it together when I'm by myself.


Feel bad that I can't be as fully supportive at the moment as I should. Though she did only tell me last night.


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