Have you experienced anniversary grief?

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Have you experienced anniversary grief?

Many times I have experiences anniversary grief. There were many firsts to get through, All our anniversaries, first time we met, moved in together, exchanged rings, got engaged. Every Tuesday ( he died on a Tuesday night) felt like a resurgence of grief and sometimes it was so severe I thought I couldnt take it anymore but I took a deep breath, told him I loved him and took a baby step. Now I still get anniversary grief but i am learning to deal with it slowly. They say the first year is the worse but I have found that heading into the second year is nearly as bad. It is 16months since I lost my husband to bowel cancer and we had no time to prepare for the outcome.  I know I am not the only one going through this and i am making  steps forward, every now and then I go backwards but I am getting there, I didnt think I was going to get there for a while but I am just taking it one day at a time. Cant go round it, over it or under it so I guess I just have to go through it. We are not alone in this new life that we didnt choose Jill
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