Husband verbally abusive after prognosis of prostate cancer

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Husband verbally abusive after prognosis of prostate cancer


I am not coping due to husband behaviour towards me after diagnosis of prostate cancer which mastised into bone cancer. I have tried to be positive and organised a holiday  at his persistence.

The holiday became a nightmare due to his verbal abuse  forgetting everything  and blaming me for things I did not do.

He is on hormone treatment which he has refused to continue due erectile dysfunction.

He is putting his anger and frustration on me. Who do I go to for help?


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Occasional Visitor

Re: Husband verbally abusive after prognosis of prostate cancer

So sorry you’re dealing with this. It must be so hard. Contact the cancer council they can put you in touch with a therapist that may be able to help. 

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Husband verbally abusive after prognosis of prostate cancer

It sounds like he's struggled to accept his diagnosis. Feeling like "less of a man" is common. My dad had similar thoughts. If you can reassure him that it doesn't matter, that would help. The hormone blockers are important to continue.

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New Contributor

Re: Husband verbally abusive after prognosis of prostate cancer

I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’m new to this site and it’s April 4, 2024. I hope things are better now.

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