I lost my mum to cancer two years ago and my dad has just been diagnosed.

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I lost my mum to cancer two years ago and my dad has just been diagnosed.

I feel guilty about being upset about my dads recent diagnosis with prostate cancer. Im 27 and lost my mother 2 years ago to head and neck. I feel guilty to my family and friends if i make too much of a fuss about it because i am sure they are sick of hearing about it. I am struggling to deal with the diagnosis because of the loss of my mother and it's bringing up a lot of painful memories. Is it normal to feel guilty about being sad about it? 
Thank you for reading 😀

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Re: I lost my mum to cancer two years ago and my dad has just been diagnosed.

Hi Eliza, so sorry you lost your mum and about your dad’s diagnosis. Of course you are devastated by all this and you are normal to feel like that. You would still be grieving for your mum too. I’m sure your close family and friends will support you through this. It’s ok to be real about how you are feeling. 🙏💕 Linda G

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Re: I lost my mum to cancer two years ago and my dad has just been diagnosed.

Thank you so much for your reply. It’s always nice to be heard 😀

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