Occasional Contributor


So after days of being mostly non responsive and very agitated, pop woke up this morning and very clearly told the nurse that he wanted breakfast (he has been NBM since surgery.), told them he wanted his tablets(things such as arthritis meds) and asked when he could do his exercises! After speach pathologist assessed his swallowing, he was able to eat soft foods like custard and pureed vegies. Words a little slurred, but he understood everything we were saying and respond appropriately, so we were able to have a propper conversation. He made us give him his glasses to put on and insisted that we write down a list of everyones phone numbers for him! Then he put the tv on and watched the history channel (which he loves) for a while. Hes being much more cooperative, once we explained that he had a slight chest infection and needed the oxygen he was more than happy to put it on. He even asked us a couple of times if it was still on properly...a massive change from yesterday where he kept ripping it off!! Black eye has reduces massively and now he can open it fully. Still no movement in left side, but he told me that he could feel it. But i suppose not being able to move half your body wouldnt be nearly as bad as not being able to talk or communicate. We're ecstatic!! We all cried with joy when we saw him this morning. Watching him after surgery was a nightmare, and he seemed to be making very slow progress. We were all stressed, scared, exhausted and heartbroken. Just when I began to wonder how much more I could take and how on earth I was going to stay this strong indefinitely...he suddenly improves by leaps and bounds :) I'm learning that sometimes the little things mean so much more than the big picture, and I dont think there's anyone on earth happier than us right now 🙂
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Well done to all The clouds have gone and once more the sun has come out and is shining on you. Wombat4
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