Hi Sqweege,
I'm doing OK thanks - 1/2 way through the 3rd cycle, just a bit achey and tired, but apart from that - all is good. I am going to Melb tomorrow to stay with my son/DIL and see little Bailey - I cant wait, I'm sure she has grown over the last couple of weeks. The only bad part is I cant take my little dog Lilly with me - so I have to forego one 'baby' so that I can see the other baby. Never mind, at least I will get lots of hugs and licks when I return home. I do miss her terribly though, I think she is the only thing that keeps me sane in this whole mixed up life I have.
I hope your dad's OK, it was usually around day 3 or 4 that I felt like crap after IV chemo - emotions running riot, crying for no reason and just soooooo tired. Although, I didnt have heart probs, so it is probably worse for your dad. Glad your going down to spend some time with him, it will do you both good. (once you recover from the drive, that is!) Isnt is annoying - there always seems to be a Catch 22 somewhere in our lives - it p..ses me off at times - why cant anything run smoothly?
Great news about being a Godmum - there are still nice things that do happen. haha
Might be offline while in Melb, so if I dont 'speak' with you, enjoy your week with your dad. Stay well and will catch you soon.
Big hugs
Di 🙂