Need advice


Need advice

I have my dad who has been diagnosed with cancer and had just started treatment... he’s an older person but it’s been really hard to cope as he is constantly angry and lashing out, especially at my mum... he won’t let anyone help him except for my brother and constantly keeps him awake all night. My brother isn’t at home full time as his carer and has to work as well, I feel like he’s in a rut and don’t know how he can keep this up... my dad has another month of treatment left and I can’t see how he can keep this up for another month... has anyone else had similar issues? Any suggestions would be great...

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Re: Need advice

Hi Marg4,

I'm very sorry to hear about your Dad.

This is a difficult diagnosis for your father as for those around him.

The anger is relatively common issue (judging from discussions on here) for families of loved ones with cancer.


I have first hand experience as both a person who has had a cancer and as a carer of a family member with cancer, so I have some insight into the difficult situation you are in.

I think it would be a good idea for your father to speak to a therapist, but I know this can be easier said than done.


Maybe have a read through here of the experience of other members of the community who have had to deal with similar issues.



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