Please accept my sincere condolences for the lose of your mum.
I lost my wife 21/12/11 under similar circumstances, although it was fluid build up brought on by liver failure, I was holding her hand and talking quietly to her, her breathing became laboured and then stopped,I saw the light leave her beautiful eyes, it was the most tragic, devastating moment in my whole life, but you know what, I am now glad I was there with her at the end, we had been married for 40yrs, and she knew I was there, she did not pass away alone in a hospital bed on her own, I love her dearly. that means a lot to me.
I,like your dad now live in a house on my own with just my memories.
The Cancer Council offer support for people that have lost loved ones, and I am now attending counselling.Also look for the group Solace in the net, they are a group of people that have lost loved ones, they get together and speak of their grief, and we cry, it helps to be with people that are going through the same, they understand. I am attending the meetings.