Our family new to cancer

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Our family new to cancer

Hello, i am 24years old and have just found out my husband 27years old has cancer, we have a 4year old son and are terrified, we returned from overseas when my husband went to see our GP about some swelling in his legs, the process started alomost instantly to figure out the cause, we were off for general testing within hours, first a chest xray bloods etc, the xray showed a mass in his chest areaabsd around his heart,we quickly headed back to our GP who ordered a contrast CT scan to be done instantly, off we went again this time we were shown many masses in the chest area and 2 in the lung, we again returned to the GP and wow we could see it on their faces, we were told to go home and pack some things and that the hospital would be expecting us, we arrived at the hospital at 6pm monday, since then we have seen countless amazing doctors and nurses and had many more scans tests etc done, we are still without a full diagnosis but have been told it appears to be hymatalogical, we are taking thing's one day at a time and trying to remain posotive, i guess we will sit and wait until we know more, we are just scared and feel this i a good way to get things off our chest.
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Re: Our family new to cancer

Hi there. I'm glad you found this forum, it's a great place to get things off your chest. Everyone here has either been through the diagnoses process, or seen someone they love go through it, and we all know how much it sucks. We're all here for you if and when you need it. love Emily
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