Terminal Met Bone Cancer

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Terminal Met Bone Cancer

Hi,so awesome to have found this support page. I am a mum of 7 and looking after my husband who was diagnosed with tonsillar cancer in 2012 then the cancer came back less than a year later. In June 2013 we were told my husband has months but not years to live. He has had palliative radiation and early this year he had palliative chemotherapy to alleviate the pain and slow down the spread of cancer. My husband seems so strong and looks like he will out live us all but it has been a frustrating journey not knowing what to expect and keeping strong for my children. It wasn't till I started reading through some peoples blogs, I realised how alone I have felt.
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Re: Terminal Met Bone Cancer

hi there im very sorry to read about whats happend... my husband passed away in 2012 at the tender age of 25. He to was so strong up until the very end. How are you coping? Are your children at an age where they can take care of themselves? My advice to you is take care of yourself as well. Will your husband be wanting to spend his last days at home? Mine did, and i stood by his wish and nursed him until the very end. However it was a lot of work for me as i had no sleep or couldnt really go anywhere. I dont regret it though as that was his wish. I find coming on here for a good vent can also help 🙂 I to felt alone throughout my hubbys cancer, and sometimes still do... i am very relieved however that im not living in the 'cancer world' anymore. I have moved on, met a lovely man and moved from melbourne to the country. Its hard because of course you can't erase the past, but life does get better. For now take each day as it comes, roll with the motions and you will get by. xxx
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Re: Terminal Met Bone Cancer

Hi Ranz, I'm so glad you've found this site. It's a really good place to come to vent, and be reminded that you're not alone. I remember when my husband was going through chemo, the one thing I wanted most was to vent to someone who could respond with 'I hate that part!' I found this site, and three years later I'm still benefitting. I will second Maddie's recommendation that you look after yourself as well (as impossible as that sounds!) It will keep you in the best condition to look after your family, and prevents storing up problems for later. Take it day by day (or sometimes hour by hour), and know that we're all cheering for you. xx
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