Hi Everyone,
I'm only new here and already this site has helped me out not coming to terms, but learning to deal with my emotions regarding my father being diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer.
I'm away from him at the moment overseas (bad timing, we had a family vaction booked the week he was diagnosed and this has honestly been the most sombre holiday I've ever taken... but he did insist I go and not worry about him)
It's early days for him, Biopsy being conducted this week and then review of the results to determine the level of aggresion and/or if treatable.
The doctors have already used the term "uncurable" - so I figure this means that its now just about hoping that if he undergoes treatments, that they prolong his life as much as possible.
I've decided that I'm not going to do my own Googling, nor really press and press for questions answered from his GP. Its way, way beyond my control and I think, having other family members involved, that while I'm not putting head in the sand... I just don't want to google this and google that because I tend to find it doesn't help with my worry or anxiety?
If someone can offer advice on that it would be great - but my mum and sisters are also involved in this for my Dad and they can choose to be informed as much as they wish. For me, I think I'll just go with what they tell me and hope for the best.
Before I go... One interesting point I've been thinking about and would like to share is that if and when I say goodbye to my Dad... and my loved ones over the course of my life... is that I want to really focus on the journey that life is.
My dad is 62... and I'm 31. There was a time - in the 70's, before I was born... that I didn't exist. Yet I don't mourn for those times. The same with my Dad... 12 months before he was born - he never existed... and we don't mourn for the time when he wasn't alive prior.
So to me - there are times in this big long universe where we just don't exist. Its a simple passage between here and there. I don't know what happened before I was born - nor do I know what was after... but yet, here I am, typing here and now.
I know this is vague - but just sharing an idea.
Best of luck to everyone. Thanks for reading and I'd love to hear from you