Trying to put my thoughts into words.

Occasional Contributor

Trying to put my thoughts into words.


Who do you tell
When the news is great
Tell the world
Let's celebrate


Who do you tell
When the news is bad
Lock it up
Let's commiserate


Who do you tell
When your world caves in
Tell who
I don't need to counsel you too


Who do I tell
I need to be free
This burden could kill me

Super Contributor

Re: Trying to put my thoughts into words.

This sums it up so well.  I remember, as my husband was going through chemo, all I wanted was to be able to vent to someone who would respond with "oh, I HATE that part!". It's hard to find people you are close to who have a first hand knowlege of what you're experiencing (not that we would wish them to learn!)  I'm glad you posted this.

New Contributor

Re: Trying to put my thoughts into words.

This says it all -- my words exactly - Ive also had the feeling lately that this is killing me - so with the support of my friends & suggestions that I need to straight away take charge of myself before I have a breakdown as Iv`e had a flu like sickness for 3 weeks now . So I have got myself some multi vitamins , oranges , some malt in a tin , probiotics as ive just had antibiotics & some fresh fruit - so maybe its mind over matter but feel a bit better already -- Do look after yourselve Bucknchooky x
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