Am I stubborn

Occasional Contributor

Am I stubborn

My Doctor is furious at the wording but I only got to see the govt Doctor's report 10 days after & can't stop laughing. 


Marie's situation is challenging.  She has what has remained a stubbornly localised high risk, high grade breast Cancer tumor for over 12 months now (actually over 14 months since diagnosis) & is essentially asymptomatic.  

I always thought localised meant had not spread.  I definitely have lymph node that was 100% cancer cells when diagnosed. 

Naughty naughty me.  My Doctor said what does he want you lying on a trolley screaming in pain.  

Sorry because I know so many of you do have very painful terrible experience & having refused surgery seems to add to my sins.  Am starting the hard road now & my Breast Cancer Specialist says 3 to 6 months.  Apparently my breast growing 2 inches in circumference since April means nothing to this Gov 😡😡



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Cancer Council Team

Re: Am I stubborn

Hi @MarieMc I'm so sorry for what you're experiencing and that you're in so much pain. 


If you're located in Australia, please feel free to call Cancer Council for Information and Support on 13 11 20. 


Take care, 


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