Lost my Dad

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Lost my Dad

I lost my Dad on the 17th of August 2021. It’s been two months now and I’m still a wreck. It comes in waves, but his birthday is coming soon and I know I’m going to be a wreck. I’m 26 about to turn 27 and I feel so lost. There was still so much I needed to learn from him, but I never got the chance. I was always so scared because he told me all about his Dad and how he loved children, and how if he was alive when I was he would have spoilt me. It was my biggest fear that he wouldn’t see my kids, and it became a reality. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lymphoma two years ago. He fought it, beat it, and four months later it came back again. Because of the lockdown, I couldn’t even see him much. Can anyone give me some advice in healing? I find myself struggling to sleep at night, and keep looking at photos of him. 

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Regular Contributor

Re: Lost my Dad

Hi Stirlz, so sorry your dad had gone. There’s no rush to stop grieving so soon.  I lost my mum a year ago and it’s still so hard without her. I don’t cry as much anymore but I miss her every day. When you say goodbye to a wonderful parent it’s just so hard. It’s the cost of loving 💕. You’ll be ok, let yourself grieve. I hope you have people around you to give you hugs and support. Xx Linda G 

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Lost my Dad

I asked my dad once "How do I ever thank you for everything you've done for me?" He replied, "Just do the same with your own kids. That's how you thank me. " Well, I don't have any kids, but I think the moral is that to honour his memory, we can "pay it forward" so to speak to the next generation. That way his loving, caring nature lives on in the lives of others. Just a thought.

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