Trying to accept the loss

Occasional Contributor

Trying to accept the loss

My husband has recently passed. He had MDS. He was only diagnosed November 2017 after 4 years of testing and 3 bone marrow biopsys. Thinking we had more time, treatment with vidaza started in February this year unfortunately this made everything worse. I was the care giver for him as he didn't want to go to hospital. He was only 45 years old. The emotional and physical stress I went through in the last week of his life  still affecting me grately. Palliative care and silver chain were my greatest help during this time I couldn't of done it without them. Just seeing someone you care for so much go through that is heartbreaking. Thankfully he was in no pain and passed peacefully with me by his side. Its hard to put into words what I am feeling.

Valued Contributor

Re: Trying to accept the loss

Sending you hugs @Leesnell, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us Heart


I just wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing today?

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Trying to accept the loss

Hi still having a hard time accepting that he is gone. We spent so much time together over the 24 years we had together. Having no children we had a very strong connection to each other that most people would not understand. As proud as I am of myself for looking after him at home in his final stages it is hard to get past what you actually have to go through during this time. Trying to get on with things as best I can but still very emotional. Thanks for your thoughts.

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