2nd cytology result with :“Negative for HGUC but raising a problem of low grade urothelial neoplasm”

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2nd cytology result with :“Negative for HGUC but raising a problem of low grade urothelial neoplasm”

Hello, I hope everybody is doing well and safe.

Following hematuria in 2022 (macro) just for one day, I had a CT scan (sept 2022) but it didn't show anything. March 2023, cystoscopy didn't show anything and the urologist collected urine into the bladder during the cystoscopy to be sent for cytology purpose. The result came out 2 weeks later with "Negative for high grade urothelial carcinoma but raising a problem of a low grade urothelial neoplasm".
CT scan was done again and another cytology too but it was a normal 3-day-cytology in small plastic container (March 2023), scan didn't show anything and the cytology was just negative without the comment of LGUN.

The urologist told me to come back for a normal check end of 2023.
December 2023, Cystoscopy didn't show anything and urine was collected during the endoscopy and sent to the pathologist lab.
Results obtained in January 2024, "Negative for high grade urothelial carcinoma but raising a problem of a low grade urothelial neoplasm" again almost one year later. Feb 2024, Ct scan was performed and doesn't show anything.

It is really frustrating to receive these results and be left by my urologist saying me that these results show cancer and that it is slow but nothing has been found even one year later at the URO CT scan nor at the URO MRI. I wake up everyday and night wondering if I really have cancer or not. My symptoms are nocturia and diuria. Taking for 2 weeks now fesoterodine 8mg/day to reduce symptoms.
The pathologist reports are :
- superficial, intermediate and deep urothelial cells often without significant cytonuclear atypia,
- numerous isolated, independent and uniform urothelial cells,
- presence of three-dimensional clusters of urothelial cells sometimes with overlapping nuclei or presenting fibrovascular axis (I think in correct English it is "presenting fibrovascular cores" I don't know this technical translation but maybe you understand it),
- absence of cytological criteria in favor of a high grade carcinoma but increase in the nucleocytoplasmic ratio and irregularity of the nuclear membrane.

Thank you for your advice and experience.
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