About to be diagnosed can't handle the fear

Occasional Contributor

About to be diagnosed can't handle the fear

I'm 29 and had some stomach pain so went to the doctor who told me to do a feces test, which they found blood, so went to do a colonoscopy where they found a tumour. Which is quite large the doctor said that its likely cancer and pretty much no chance it's benign. I'm very scared and worried I had a recent CT scan and ultra sound now waiting the results of it all i found out in a few days i'm only 29 and from everything i read i feel like i have late stage and i wont have long to live. Im very scared i dont want to die i cant handle the anxiety i dont want to wake up tomorrow.  ive had dreams that i will die

Occasional Contributor

Re: About to be diagnosed can't handle the fear

i had a dream people crying at my funeral

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Super Contributor

Re: About to be diagnosed can't handle the fear

Hi @BlueYellowBoat 

I was 40 when I was diagnosed. A colonoscopy found a tumour in my large bowel that was large enough that they struggled to get the scope past.

That was 6 years ago. I have fully recovered.


They probably won't be able to tell much about the stage of the cancer until after they operate.


It's all very over whelming, I know. I'm thinking of you.

Bowel cancer is a cancer that is relatively well understood.

You won't die tomorrow. 

When is your next appointment?

Occasional Contributor

Re: About to be diagnosed can't handle the fear

It's this Friday


What if they say i have few months to live?

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Super Contributor

Re: About to be diagnosed can't handle the fear

It is always excruciating waiting for tests and test results, and it's always horrible, no matter how many times you do this. The anxiety is just terrible.

I can't promise you that everything will be ok, but chances are that they will be. 

You have youth and and fitness on your side. I know that you can do this.


Good luck with your results and please let us know how you go.




Regular Contributor

Re: About to be diagnosed can't handle the fear

Hello, so sorry about your diagnosis. Friday hopefully you will know exactly what you are dealing with. I totally understand your anxiety as I think most of us here have experienced it with the first word of cancer. I didn’t have bowel cancer but once I started treatment for non Hodgkin’s lymphoma my anxiety was so much better. So if you can just get through the next 2 days🙏. While I was waiting for my proper diagnosis I cried whenever I needed to, did lots of walking, anything to distract my mind. I know the nights are hard. Hope you have lots of loving support around you. 💕🙏 Linda G

Super Contributor

Re: About to be diagnosed can't handle the fear

How did the appointment go?

Occasional Contributor

Re: About to be diagnosed can't handle the fear

Hi just an update - So it was confirmed by my doctor,thankfully early prognosis ( just looking at CT scans,) ,looks like it has not spread, so based on what i read my prognisis isn't bad 

I'm in the public health system though and been referred to the oncologist. Does anyone know how quickly i'll be treated?

im scared it will spread more

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Re: About to be diagnosed can't handle the fear

Hi @BlueYellowBoat   I know it hard not to worry about Câncer.  I just had my colectomy surgery  4 weeks ago where they took out part of my bowel slowly getting there but still stress for me.  Couple days ago I saw my specialist and they told me I have stage 3 bowel cancer as it started to go to the lymph nodes, I’m waiting to see the oncologist for to have chemo.  So I’m in the same vote waiting for treatment.  Hang in there  if you need to talk  we are here to help sometimes it’s good to talk to people.  Let us know how you are going.

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