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Okay Claire. Now both you and Lampwork have wiped the floor with me. I've got nothing on you guys.
Phil is kind of my nick name. It's actually my middle name. Not terribly exciting but it does confuse the hell out of a lot of people.
Pepper is more interesting with its origins. Having bowel surgery meant an ileostomy was needed, which means my small intestine is now protruding through my abdominal wall, known as a stoma. I have to attach a bag to catch all the waste. A massive life style change, but only temporary.
So I was looking at my stoma and feeling rather angry about the situation, I referred to it as a butthole. I know! The irony!
Anyway, it made me think of a song called Pepper, by a band called the Butthole Surfers. So I named my stoma Pepper. My wife suggested I used the song as a ringtone for my stoma support nurse, which I'm yet to do. But, I think it's worth extending it's use to the surgeon, oncologist, GP, coloplast and the hospital. Why? Because it will make me giggle whenever they call me and laughter is the best medicine.
Btw, great photo's Claire.
Hi Edward, That’s hilarious! I love that you’ve transformed a crap situation into a joke 😉 sorry about the play on words I just couldn’t help myself. Too far? Too soon?
I agree with your wife it most definitely should be the ringtone for all hospital staff! I feel like if you can both have a giggle when the phone rings you’re pretty much gazumping anything they say- it’s genius. Thanks for sharing and giving me a laugh today too!
Hi Claire
You couldn't go too far on this subject. I am the master of poo jokes in my house. I've just refrain from sharing them online because they all stink.
Laughter is the best medicine.
Closely followed by these girls.Sally and Lucy
Hi Lampwork
Good luck for tomorrow. I'll be keeping an eye out for your updates.
Thank you for all the positive messages.
Hey Phil/pepper/Edward/Ed (which would you prefer by the way?)
Fantastic on both counts, poo jokes are all the rage at our place too with a 5 yr old boy running about, and your two girls are gorgeous- King Charles cavaliers right? They’re fun. We had our KCC Harriet for 11 years and she was the most super funny, affectionate dog ever, I miss her.
How are are you today? How are you feeling heading into nxt treatment?
Tomorrow is a big day for me, 4 hours of surgery to look forward to. Thankfully I’ve convinced the family I don’t need a cheer squad to deliver me to the hospital so I can just quietly go and chew my finger nails down to bloody stumps in private. Kidding! I don’t chew my nails but I may make an exception.
so I’ll be offline for a bit- will keep you posted when I’m able. In the interim, take care and we’ll chat soon.
You'll be fine. You'll wake up and it'll all be over.
There might be some discomfort, but it'll go away.
Don't stress.
Hi Claire
Phil is fine 😊
Yes both cavies. They turn 10 and 11 this year. We had a boy who died at 9 and we still get sad when we think about losing him. Unfortunately for cavaliers, his heart gave out early.
Like I said before, I've drawn so much from you and Lampwork, I just want to get it started. Kind of approaching it with a little anger and a lot of enthusiasm.
I didn't realise you were having surgery today. Good luck. Or should I say break a leg, since it's a dance routine. I'll pay you a virtual hospital visit via the forum.
You are so brave to go to the hospital alone. I'd be too scared for that. My wife would murder me for suggesting out loud.
Take care. I hope all goes well.
Hi Claire and Lampwork
I'm virtually visiting you guys in hospital or home, where ever you may be recovering tonight.
Some flowers to brighten your rooms.
Some books for some light reading, to help pass the time.
And a bear to cuddle
I also snuck in some junk food because hospital food is crap.
I hope your recoveries are going well.
Hi Phil,
Thank you for your kind thoughts. I hope Claire's surgery went well too.
I've had 4 doses of radiotherapy now. Started last Thursday. On Friday the session was particularly long. The machine stalled during treatment and they had to wait for the software to re-boot. That night my neck felt really itchy, hot and then burning. Satuday morning I went to a few different plaSaw the ces to get some cream but not much use as the Chemist didn't want to recommend anything as it depended on what the hospital said I could use. I finally found some MooGoo cream that helped. I was anxious about the rest of the treatment. Monday was fine. The Radiotherapists said it was very early to be having any effects from the Radiotherapy. Saw the Professor yesterday after 4th treatment. Asked him if I could have been overdosed on Friday. He told me it was impossible for that to happen. Had no after effects last night either so I'm not sure what to believe. My appointments are around 2.00p.m. in the afternoon which is a horrible time of the day. My anxiety wastes most of the day until the treatment and by the time I get back home, most of the day has disappeared.
I cannot imagine getting through the next 5 weeks and 1 day! The machine has to be serviced next week so all appointments have to be shifted to before 8.00a.m. or after 5.30p.m. I've asked for early mornings as that would suit me greatly.
I'm going to start buying magazines to take to the Radiotherapy waiting room to donate. All the magazines there are very old and well thumbed. The pages tell me about the many people who sat in the same waiting room over the years, flicking their anxiety away through the pages.
This part of the journey feels very isolating and sad. I don't want anyone else to come with me as I think it will waste so much of their time and it's unnecessary for two people to have to endure this. It may change if I get too tired but for now I prefer to do it on my own. On my way in on the hour long journey, I see houoses for sale near the hospital and think I will buy one if I win Tattslotto this week. It would be nice to be close enough to the hospital to walk there.
In the midst of me thinking sadly about myself, my eldest daughter called to say she'd been hit from behind on the freeway and her car was a write off. That snapped me back to attention. Thankfuly, she walked away from the accident without a scratch. I could not imagine having to deal with anything worse than that at this time. Yes, thank you, I am grateful. Things could be so much worse so suck it up princess and deal with what you have to do right now to get through this.
I hope you're doing well Phil. I know we'll all have good and bad days. I hope yours will be all good ones and will keep you in my thoughts throughout this journey.