Head & Neck Cancer

Occasional Contributor

Head & Neck Cancer



I have just been diagnosed as Head & Neck Cancer.  I had a small lump under my chin (submandibular region).  I have been seeing Oncologists at Peter Mac.  I have been told that I have to do 'chemo' for 7 weeks  (once weekly) and Radiotherapy for 7 weeks on daily basis.  I am trying to stay strong and positive but a bit apprehensive of what is to come as both the treatments have side effects such as nausea, hearing loss etc.


I was just wandering if anyone could help me as to what side effects to expect especially hearing.  Is this going to be a permanent loss or temporary loss?  Is there anything else I should know to help me overcome this challenge or make it easier.


They tell me they cannot find the primary source.  The scans have not shown anything sinister in the organs.


Please help


Super Contributor

Re: Head & Neck Cancer

Hi @Rico2018 


Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. 

There is a great thread started by Captain Australia about effect of radiation on  the neck area.  I hope yo can get some info to help you in there.



Take care



Occasional Contributor

Re: Head & Neck Cancer

Thanks Budgie

Frequent Contributor

Re: Head & Neck Cancer

Uhm Hearing can sometimes be affected after treatment for some types of head and neck cancer, such as nasopharyngeal cancer. Though this only a possibility so don't lose hope. 

Occasional Contributor

Re: Head & Neck Cancer



Its not really 'Head & Neck' cancer per se although it is that section that is dealing with it.  Doctors say it Squamous cell carcinoma.  The Primary source cannot be found even though they did a lot of tests Pet Scan, CT Scan, MRI shows nothing sinister elsewhere.  I am going through 'Chemo' and Radiation for 7 weeks.  Chemo once a week low dose for 7 weeks.  Raditional treatment 35 days - 5 days a week.


I am keeping optimistic and strong to face this challenge.  I thank God for giving me a good run with nothing major so far until now.



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