I feel so alone


Re: I feel so alone

Hi Mignon Thanks for the message. It came at the perfect time. I have been feeling low so it was nice to hear from someone out of the blue like that who cares and knows how it feels. I guess that's one of the good things about these forums. All we want is a bit of real support and understanding. Not just words and empty advice. So I am feeling OK now. Thanks. Getting a bit sleepy so off to bed soon hopefully for a few good hours rest. I watched Sound of Music tonight for what seems the hundredth time. I love it. I have a fond memory of seeing it in Salzburg in 1986 after taking our own 'tour'. as we were backpacking but had a cheap car, we decided to follow the tour bus so we could see all the Sof M sites. Except we lost the bus in traffic!! Anyway got to see them all eventually followed by watching the movie. It was a great day. It was hot and sunny and so much fun. When we woke the next day it was snowing . Go figure mother nature. More great memories. Its these memories that help me through but at the same time bring me down. I cant do any of these things any longer so I get to feel sorry for myself. I know. At least I have done them. I guess the hard part is remembering good friends from the past who have cut me loose in the present. Oh well. I hope you are doing well. And your family. Enjoy every day and make it count because as you know, many of us cant do that. Thanks for keeping in touch. Ash xoxo
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Re: I feel so alone

Hi Mignon Thanks for the message. It came at the perfect time. I have been feeling low so it was nice to hear from someone out of the blue like that who cares and knows how it feels. I guess that's one of the good things about these forums. All we want is a bit of real support and understanding. Not just words and empty advice. So I am feeling OK now. Thanks. Getting a bit sleepy so off to bed soon hopefully for a few good hours rest. I watched Sound of Music tonight for what seems the hundredth time. I love it. I have a fond memory of seeing it in Salzburg in 1986 after taking our own 'tour'. as we were backpacking but had a cheap car, we decided to follow the tour bus so we could see all the Sof M sites. Except we lost the bus in traffic!! Anyway got to see them all eventually followed by watching the movie. It was a great day. It was hot and sunny and so much fun. When we woke the next day it was snowing . Go figure mother nature. More great memories. Its these memories that help me through but at the same time bring me down. I cant do any of these things any longer so I get to feel sorry for myself. I know. At least I have done them. I guess the hard part is remembering good friends from the past who have cut me loose in the present. Oh well. I hope you are doing well. And your family. Enjoy every day and make it count because as you know, many of us cant do that. Thanks for keeping in touch. Ash xoxo
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Re: I feel so alone

Hi Just touching base. Hope you are doing ok and the Velcade is doing its job. As my Onc said yesterday, there are always different treatments so never give up. Different things work for some and not others. In response to your 'writing', while I was recovering from being shot a few years ago, I decided to put some thoughts and feelings down on paper. This turned out to be an autobiography that I have tried to get published. Its called 9 Lives and talks about my past, many policing stories and injuries and my views on politics, religions, women etc. It was actually very easy to write. It finished on a 'high' note but then was diagnosed with MM a few months later. So I guess the book has more to go. I just dont have the energy or ambition to keep writing right now. Maybe this will pass. Maybe not. All I know is that my 9 lives are used up. This time I have to be very careful. Till later Ash
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Occasional Contributor

Re: I feel so alone

Hi Ash, Just been having a quiet sob reading your posts. (I'm pretty fragile at the moment, in isolation away from my babies, but that's another story & this is about you!) How are you going this morning? Hope you had a good nights sleep and that those beautiful memories came back to life in your dreams. Have you had a go at your so called best friend? I found support in funny places and was amazed that the old best friend went MIA on me also. I let the silence go for a good 8 weeks before finally getting so sick of thinking / hurting about her and I rang and gave her a big piece of my mind. She apologized and cried, I didn't care much about her.. I realise now as much as I personally really miss our friendship it will never be the same again because the hurt went to deep and I can't fathom how some people can be so god dam selfish and insensitive to other people - other people who are supposed to be their nearest and dearest.. So anyway having a go cleared my mind a bit, she is still trying to right things but I'm happy to sit back and make no effort - too little too late hey.. A bloke who I went to school with died last year from cancer (27) I've always kept in touch with his older sister but were never really close, well since he died we have spoken regularly on the phone and just are a whole lot closer because I just kept checking in on her - she was so thankful and told me how a lot of her friends had dissapeared because it was too awkward and hard for them.. I couldn't believe it then and I remember thinking oh wow that really sux but im sure that wouldnt ever happen to me.. Ha. Fast forward six months and I am here. (& she is here for me now!) I have far too much time this morning.. Isolation will do that won't it ha.. Feel like I could ramble all morning. Anyway, don't know where you are all from but I'm here in Sydney and I can finally see sunshine out the window, wish I could get out there and soak it up, will go and have a shower and watch the sunshine out the window - Ash, I'll leave you with a little tale of my surrounds.. In concord hospital they have the isolation room in the geriatric ward (ha at first I thought shit why did they do that to me it sux enough to be in here - its really because the radioactive me cant hurt them) but It sure is actually giving me a giggle sometimes.. There's a gorgeous old bloke across the hall who is quiet as a mouse all day long but come night time he starts singing lalala lalala and he does it ALL night, that would be a bit annoying if it wasn't broken up by the little old lady in the next room who every hour or so starts chanting "no more singing, no more singing" and then because she is calling out to him another little old lady wakes up, who has reverted back to childhood it seems and she calls out to mummy.. I've launched out of bed a few times thinking one of my kids needed me!! It doesn't sound so funny writing it down but I'm sure I'd be singing lalala myself if it wasn't for the sounds of these beautiful old souls struggling along and dealing with their life's path.. Hope I've given you a little smile to start the sunny day.. I dont Know if it at all possible for you but i hope you can Go grab your wife and borek (borek- iPhone really?!) tell her rather that you love her and tell her to take you for a drive.. Sit in a park and just breathe.
Not applicable

Re: I feel so alone

hi Ashes God Loves You no matter what happend to you,have pationt and love for lord and he answer you ,I am a good friend and love to listen to your Pains and help you as much as i can
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Not applicable

Re: I feel so alone

hi Ashes God Loves You no matter what happend to you,have pationt and love for lord and he answer you ,I am a good friend and love to listen to your Pains and help you as much as i can
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Not applicable

Re: I feel so alone

hi Ashes God Loves You no matter what happend to you,have pationt and love for lord and he answer you ,I am a good friend and love to listen to your Pains and help you as much as i can
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Re: I feel so alone

Bahareh This site is meant to be for cancer sufferers. Not for people pushing their own agendas and talking about god. You dont know anyone and whether they are athiest, bhuddist. muslim or catholic so to be so pushy with your beliefs especially to people who are dying of cancer, is an insult. If god loves us so much why did he give us cancer? Why does he make us suffer daily. Hope you dont take this the wrong way but if you want to help me then PLEASE do not talk to me about god and his bullshit love. Please dont talk to me at all. Thanks Ash
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Re: I feel so alone

Hi Thanks for your email. Just a quick note to say I will send you a long message later. I am not too well at present but really wanted to touch base with you. You certainly are a wonderful mum! Take care and will talk later. Ash
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Occasional Contributor

Re: I feel so alone

Hey. No need for a big ramble (unless you feel like it, then I'm all ears!) I hope you are feeling better soon, and I wish there was something practical I could do to help.. For me helplessness is life's worst feeling, hate seeing or hearing of suffering that I can't fix. Hope your day has gotten better, hang in there mate.. And just know that I am thinking of you and sending positive vibes (ha ha sounding like an old hippy lady!) probably not the best idea, forget the vibes since my vibes are radioactive I best keep them to myself hey! Xo
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