G'Day David,
Welcome to the group. I had RT for 6 weeks to mouth and neck. I hit a wall with food intake, and was entirely on liquid. May I recommend the pre-mixed protein milk drinks, if food hurts too much. Main pain was in my mouth, but my throat was not flash either. Was on Sustagen Hospital Formula powder, mixing it myself. Very late in the process I found out that this stings because the granules don't fully dissolve, whereas the pre-mixed ones did not cause me any pain at all.
Various brands, my preferred was Fortisip, choc or strawberry. Your dietician can organise them for you, and the company which supplies them has a home delivery service, provided you order about 24 at a time.
I lost 30kg, and was at my wits end until I discovered that the Fortisip didn't hurt. From there I didn't look back, but by crikey it was hard work until then. And be sure to use the sorbalene on your skin.
And finally, IT DOES get better. Takes longer than one would like, but it does improve. I finished treatment on April 27, and was a complete wreck. Now I am in remission, fully fit, working full time, playing cricket and eating everything bar spicy food, which I was never fond of to begin with.
Easy for me to say from the other side of the treatment, but hang in there.