Re: Taste bud


Re: Taste bud

Hi just want to ask a question? On March the 3rd I finally completed my 6 months chemo treatment.

what I want to know is how long does it take for your taste buds to get back to normal.   Also after each treatment I had I always get this white coated stuff on my tongue which I know is a type of fungus from the chemo.  I have tried anti fungus oral tablets  from the doctor, after a few times taking it it made me sick and upset stomach so I stop it.  Then I try a liquid one which was called Nilstat and the same thing it upset my stomach.  I would appreciate any help or information on how to tackle this awful white coated on my tongue.

Regular Contributor

Re: Taste bud

Hi Mary, so happy that you have finished your treatment 👏!  I’m not sure about taste buds but I did always have the fungal problem on my tongue during my chemo. I was on fluconazole for the whole time and that did help! Maybe you have tried that?? Yes, Nilstat is not pleasant but I could tolerate it. I don’t have any other suggestions.   Hope you continue to improve 🙏♥️. Linda 


Re: Taste bud

@LindaG  Hi Linda thanks for the information with that fluconazole is that table or liquid and has it got a horrible taste

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Regular Contributor

Re: Taste bud

Hi Mary. The fluconazole was a tablet and was fine to take. My haematologist put me on it at the start of my treatment and it really helped though sometimes I still got the fungal symptoms 🤦🏻‍♀️. Ask your doctor about it ♥️

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Taste bud

Congrats on finishing your chemo. 4 months left on mine. Can’t wait to ring that bell.

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Re: Taste bud



Thanks Richard it is good to finish chemo, hopefully when I have the ct scan and blood test it will be even mire good news and hope I will be in remission .  Hope you finish your chemo soon let us know how you go.

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