Should i refuse chemo?

Occasional Contributor

Should i refuse chemo?

My dad who is 62 years old was diagnosed with stage 2 tongue cancer with lymph nodes negative. They took around 10 of them and all them came back negative. Oncologist told us that he will have 6 weeks of radiation but not really sure about the chemo. He says its on the borderline for chemo. He used to eat heavy tobaccos, drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes for 30 years. Cause of tongue cancer is prob tobacco. He has been eating healthy foods and compelty stopped drinking and smoking all together. I think chemo will do more harm then good for him but want to know what you guys think. Should he go for chemo if its a choice? I really don’t want him to go through chemo so any suggestion will help. Thank you

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Re: Should i refuse chemo?

You don't need to go for chemo if it's stage 2 and if all the lymph nodes came negative. What you can do to be on a safer side of things is get his radiation done that too imrt type of radiation. But before the start of it ensure he get all high protein and fat food in his diet coz he will loose weight during radiation primarily coz he will be unable to eat.
Hope this helps
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Re: Should i refuse chemo?

Chemo will slightly increase His chances of beating it. Maybe not by much but it all helps. May I ask why you are so worried about Chemo? Chemo will make the Mucositis in His mouth slightly worse but not by that much...again i't's the radiation that is the real villan here.


It's the Radiation that will really knock him for a six and not the Chemo. The Radiation will have far more dibilitating side effects than Chemo ever will.


Me...I'd rather ditch the Radiotherapy and take the Chemo. Unfortunately, they can't and wont do that.


Yes, you can do this without the Chemo and just do the radiation. Maybe ask His oncologists why they think He should have the Chemo? If they insist he has the chemo, ask if he can have Carboplatin and not Cisplatin. Carboplatin can be given in lower doses and doesn't have as many side effects as Cisplatin.


I would avoid 5FU with Chemo. That is one nasty drug.

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Should i refuse chemo?

Hi champ . I just went through a similar situation and chemo and radiation work hand in hand . I didn't have any problems with the targeted chemo but the radiation is extreme . As one of the other gentlemen said , unless he is already heavy , get him fattened up . By week 5 of radiation you really don't want to eat so the weight just falls of . This will go on for approximately 6 weeks after week 5 . Taste buds become null . Nothing tastes like it should and you tend to live on a liquid diet . For me , i didnt want a peg , so i forced myself to eat and got through it . Hope this helps and if you need more info let me know . Vinnie

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