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new to this

Hi I ma new to blogging and forums but i expect i will have a fair bit of time onmy hands as i have been diagnosed with breast cancer. It has not spread yet and i am having a masectomy in two days. I am not looking forward to the blue dye injection - any suggestions?
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Re: new to this

welcome to the site Sunflower, unfortunately i cannot help you with the dye stuff as i am one of the H&Neckers , good luck as there is a lot of wisdom and experience in your area on this site and you will eventually get some answers. Go forward with a positive mind and you will make it and also feel good. Dave
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Re: new to this

Hi Sunflower, The good thing with the blue dye injection is that it only hurts for a very very short time. I remember feeling panicked for a moment and then it was over. Best wishes for your surgery. Allicat
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Occasional Contributor

Re: new to this

thankyou for your lovely support. i read your message before I went to have the injections and it made me realise it was only one step on a long road - and i could get through it. I have so many postive comments and a phone call today from survivors i know now it is possible and it is ok to feel bad at times. Still got a smile!
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