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HelIo, I am a 47 year old mum of 3 daughters, twins aged 15 and a 12 year old. I was diagnosed with a malignant tumour in my liver back in February. I had major liver resection surgery 7 weeks ago today and my surgeon took 65% of my liver (it grows back which is pretty cool). I completely underestimated the scale of the surgery and am only now starting to feel a little bit normal...I started chemo 2 weeks ago and need to do treatment of chemo and radiation for the next 7 months. It has definitely been an emotional roller coaster ride, but trying to stay positive will be detrimental to getting through the next 7 months I believe, but I also know it will be important to let myself feel the feels and to cry..I am new to do this forum, I feel I have lots of support from family and friends but really wanted to reach out and hear what other people are feeling and going through when told they have cancer... Jackie x
Hello Jackie75, I am so sorry to read your story… I am discovering that cancer is a hard, terrifying and unpredictable journey. Although a very individual experience I believe we all have a lot in common…the shock, the terror and the serious change of direction in our life path. I was diagnosed quite unexpectedly with colorectal cancer last December and then my oncologist discovered a lesion on my liver. After a bowel resection, liver resection and a portacath insertion, all within the past 5 months I am still reeling and have had no time to process any of this journey. I have my cycle 5 chemo next week but struggle with the horrible side effects of absolute exhaustion ( an understatement) and “chemo brain”, which do not help me to understand the myriad of feelings associated with my cancer diagnosis. I haven’t come to terms with cancer and don’t know how one does that and remains sane. My Psychologist tells me “it takes time”….I hope she is right 🙏
I'm so sorry to hear what you have been through, a cancer diagnosis is so scary, that's for sure. I definitely have chemo brain too😫 😂...The surgeries sound a lot 😔 I know I'm still not right after my liver resection 12 weeks ago and definitely underestimated the scale of the surgery. I still feel swollen in my abdomen and uncomfortable. I start cycle 3 tomorrow...then a break before radiation and then more chemo...I'm trying to live by the quote of... 'it's not what happens to you but how we react that matters' I'm trying to stay as positive as I can (it's hard sometimes but I have my family around me keeping me busy). I feel like I'm getting through day by day and trying not to think too much of the scale of what is happening around me, then at the end of all of this I will see a psychologist to debrief on what this year has thrown at me. Everyone is different and I hope that in time you will find some sort of peace and acceptance. Good luck on your journey and thank you for sharing your story x