Bowel Cancer

New Contributor

Bowel Cancer

Hi Everyone, I was diagnosed with bowel cancer last April,had 34cm colon removed & a week in hospital. My issue now is the terrible diarrohea I have every day. I run to the toilet 4-5 times each morning. Doesn't matter what I eat either. Have had numerous tests for bugs & celiac,all negative.

Has anyone else had an issue like this?

New Contributor

Re: Bowel Cancer

Hey Jacqui, I had some diarrhoea after my bowel surgery when my stoma was reversed. That however was expected. I didn't have any long term effects like you have had. Maybe talk to your oncologist or GP. I found Gastro-Stop was very good in stopping the effects - 4 caps 3 x daily. You can get it at most pharmacy's, hope it helps. Regards - Tony

Super Contributor

Re: Bowel Cancer

Hi JacquiG,

I had a colectomy a few years ago. My body and I have agreed to a truce of sorts (at least for now).

It sounds like you're experimenting, which is a good thing. Perhaps I can share with you some of my experiences, although they may or may not be helpful to you. Everyone is different.


First thing I've found is that it feels different when I need to go to the toilet.  I've had to learn how to interpret the feelings of needing to go to the toilet.  What the "I need to go to the toilet soonish" feels like, and what the "omg, I really need a toilet NOW" feels like. They don't feel the same as they used to.


Playing around with different foods and water;

  • Effect of different foods 
  • Effect of water
  • Timing of eating


For example, I've always loved apples/fruit, and I can still eat with no issues.

I've also used to enjoyed Weetbix, but now they are a definite "in and out" food. (ie, they run straight through me)

Drinking lots of water also seems to have a positive effect also.


What sort of foods have you been eating (and what have you been cutting out) to try and improve things?





New Contributor

Re: Bowel Cancer

Hi sch


Thank you so very much for your reply. Sometimes it's good just to hear from someone else that has been down this road.


Even though I'm not true vegan, I don't like to eat meat anymore. I mainly eat a lot of salmon but it doesn't seem to matter what I eat as most things seem to go straight through.


Discovering I can't eat coconut yoghurt was an experience so had to give that away.


My surgeon says it will take up to 2 years to settle so I'm still experimenting with different foods.


Once again, thank you for taking the time to reply. I got to a stage I was getting suicidal until I found this forum.


Take care


Jacqui x

New Contributor

Re: Bowel Cancer

Hi Tony


Thank you so much for your reply. It's good I've found this forum and  good that other people are willing to help as I've been quite depressed and suicidal at times.


I will try that gastro stop that you suggest,thank you.


My surgeon says it will take up to 2 years for my system to settle so I just need to keep experimenting on foods I can & can't eat.


Take care



Super Contributor

Re: Bowel Cancer

Hi Jacqui,


Well, I'm glad that you found us then.

How are you feeling now?

Are things improving at all? 

I loved coconut yoghurt after my surgery, but when I was having chemo, I couldn't handle anything cold, so the coconut yoghurt was no chance. 



New Contributor

Re: Bowel Cancer



It's crazy,it doesn't seem to matter what I eat but I work 2 days a week & when working I do a lot of walking & bending. This is when it's at its worst.


But I was glad I dumped the coconut yoghurt when I discovered the cruelty of monkees involved in Asia.


How are you feeling now?


Hope you are keeping well. Jacqui.

Super Contributor

Re: Bowel Cancer


I'm feeling well thank you.

I have, what feels like, an increasing amount of scans. I generally take part in which ever research programs that the surgeons and specialists feel would be beneficial.

I had an operation a few months ago to repair a hernia in my stomach (side effect of operation for colectomy), colonoscopy + endoscopy.  My last operation a couple of months ago was an endoscopic ultrasound which was part of a research program.


I'm alive, well and fit, so I can't complain 🙂


Is it the bending or the walk that makes it worse? Or you can't tell at this stage?

Does the hospital offer someone who you can talk to about diet changes that might help?





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