Those 'symptoms in my head' have never completely gone away, although as a survivor of 15 years they aren't present all the time. Usually only around the time of my annual review with my oncologist - which I've just had this week. Despite the fact that I feel fine, my mammogram and ultrasound were clear last week and after a breast exam last month my GP found nothing at all to worry about, I still woke up with a dry mouth and a pounding heart on Wednesday morning. I didn't feel as though I could take a full breath until the oncologist said 'bye, Jane - same time next year'!One of the hardest things for cancer survivors to cope with is learning to live with uncertainty. The truth is that life is uncertain, but as we've already had our mortality shoved in our faces we do need to find a way to stay in the moment as much as we possibly can. Agonizing over the past or worrying about the future prevents us from living life with enjoyment. Sometimes easier said than done I know, but it is possible.Jane