Painful feet

New Contributor

Painful feet

Hi. Every winter my feet become painful.

Looking for some advice. Should I exercise more to help circulation or rest more?  Tried both and neither working at moment. Hoping others will have answers and suggestions on how to ease discomfort. 

Super Contributor

Re: Painful feet

Hi @KT275 

I guess that depends on why your feet are painful.

Have you tried discussing with your GP why have sore feet?

If you know your feet are sore for a specific reason, then let us know and hopefully someone can help with some advise.

Take care.


New Contributor

Re: Painful feet

The painful feet are a side effect from the chemo.  The oncologist has since provided medication which I would prefer not to take if I am able to reduce the pain by natural methods.

Super Contributor

Re: Painful feet

I had peripheral neuropathy following chemo (FOLFOX), which effected my hands & feet (painful pins and needles).

The best thing for me was walking and running.

I'm almost 5 years post-chemo now, and while I still have some symptoms, it's only a little annoying and doesn't really impact on day to day life.

New Contributor

Re: Painful feet


I would recommend to see your Gp and get a referral to see a podiatrist. You can get a health care plan to see a podiatrist for five visits through Medicare. 


Also you can try magnesium cream and massage your feet. It really helps me. 


Let me know how you go.

New Contributor

Re: Painful feet

Hi SeraqB.  Thank you for your help.  I appreciate it and will definitely try your advice.


Warm regards


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