living under chemo

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living under chemo

Does anyone know how risky it is go outside when you have a fever and are undergoing chemo?

How can you check if you are strong enough to fight off any infection?

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Re: living under chemo

Hi Manfredi, fever is not good when you’re having chemo. If it gets to 38 you need to go to ED I think. Ring the health line if you’re worried   Take care. Linda G 

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Re: living under chemo

As for temperature problems, that requires a log of sorts to be sure that you've got a problem. A one-time spike isn't a problem, but if it stays high for more than 48 hours or so, then I'd suggest a consultation with a medical professional. If that "consultation" can be safely accomplished in an other than face-to-face consultation is an area I wouldn't be too familiar with.


As for infection, that is definitely an area your doctor should be watching out for. Maybe I should write that as already watching out for. There are medications that can be used to fight infection.


During my relapse last year I had a nasty infection and we had ourselves a mighty nasty battle to get that under control, but was successful. So no reason to panic, but certainly the doctor needs to be asked about that one.


NOW, this thread is over a year old, so I don't know if this is even useful as a post, but I have the time, so I am posting. And this is a place where people might just go to find information and so the thread being over a year old as of my post isn't such a big issue. Just want site management to know I am aware that it is an older thread.

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