Hello fellow travelers

Occasional Contributor

Hello fellow travelers

Was cruising the Internet last night when I found this site. Hooray! There are people out there talking. I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 4 months ago, have had a whipple procedure and am now halfway through 6 months of chemo. I was doing quite well until about 10 days ago when I felt like I had fallen in a black hole. There is just so little about pancreatic cancer, particularly anything positive or hopeful. My mother died of pancreatic cancer at the same age as I am now so it has been a hard slog trying to remember this is my story. Any encouragement gratefully received! Best wishes to you all Rikki
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Super Contributor

Re: Hello fellow travelers

Hopefully newer treatments are available these days . All the best . I'm sure you will hear from others wih the same cancer as you.
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Super Contributor

Re: Hello fellow travelers

Rikki Hello to you I had whipple surgery 20 months ago and then Chemo you are halfway through that chemo now and the effects of chemo treatment varies with everyone,it is unfortunate that you feel as you do but understandable .Pancreatic Cancer is devastating.But look on the other side of it, you had the whipple surgery,where for other PC sufferers that surgery is not an option and there fight is solely with the help of chemo, radiation and their spirit.That for me is a plus that we could have surgery to help us in our fight, on this site you will find fellow sufferers who care and may have suggestions to help at this difficult time sorry your mother died of this disease,I have a very special friend who is fighting PC and her dear friend also fighting they are my Inspiration,but there are developments all the time who knows what the future holds. good luck kj
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Hello fellow travelers

Thanks for that, I realize I am much more fortunate than some. In fact my Mum's experience helped me as I recognized the symptoms much earlier than most . Good luck to you too Cheers Rikki
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