I'm a newbie

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I'm a newbie

Hi Have been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and it has been a crazy few weeks trying to come to terms with it all. I have good people around me but today realised that sometimes you just need to talk to people who are doing the same journey as the emotions and changes are not always understandable to the peeps around you .For example , I seem to be rediculously shitty with everyone ???
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Re: I'm a newbie

Hi Ginnie, Thanks for stopping by the forums. Have you had a chance to browse through and ready some other peoples journey's and stories. It helps to know that first and foremost, you're not alone... and Cancer does not discriminate to age/size or shape. It must be incredibly tough receiving news of advanced lung cancer - but can I say that I actually found your post quite encouraging... because, I don't know, you sound like you're actually being quite positive about it. Ginnie, my name is John and I'm from Melbourne. My father was recently diagnosed with an aggressive Prostate Cancer and I'm in the category of caring for someone with cancer. What I've found is that sharing your experiences helps a great deal - whether it be anonymously through the internet, or even with local support groups and of course, the Cancer Council (13 11 20). So please - reach out and know that while it sounds like you have a great support base around you (Which is really wonderful as believe me, not everyone has their family/friends around in their time of need)... dig deep and make the small effort it requires to call the hotline and talk with people going through this By my reply alone - i hope you'll completely realize that you're not alone at all. In fact, hundreds and thousands of us across Australia are going through this with you right now. This very moment. Don't ever think you're alone in this and don't every think for one second, that tomorrow is promised to anyone. All we have is this moment right now and you know what, let's make the most of it :) Regards JR
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